إعلان للقيادة الذاتية في هيونداي 2015 يحصد مليوني مشاهدة خلال أيام
Hyundai Genesis 2015 With Auto-Driver
Smart technology to care for you, because we care for you.Hyundai Motor Company HQ insists that you DO NOT attempt any of the stunts seen in the film. The systems are not substitutes for safe driving, they are only meant to assist drivers for their safety and convenience.
Hyundai grabbed our attention with its first-generation Genesis. Now, with this second-gen model, the company's job is to keep it. The 2015 Genesis, known internally as "DH," wisely follows in the footsteps of its predecessor, a model that showed the automaker's naked ambition, putting it on the map of not just bargain hunters, but the upwardly mobile, too.

حصد مقطع فيديو لدعاية إعلانية لنظام القيادة الذاتية في سيارة “هيونداي جينسس 2015?؛ أكثر من مليوني مشاهدة بعد عشرة أيام من رفعه. ويظهر الفيديو ست سيارات هيونداي مختلفة الألوان تسير على إحدى الطرق وتسير بجوارها شاحنة كبيرة تجر خلفها عربة مجهزة بالقطن. ويبدأ قائدو السيارات الخمس بالقفز من نافذة السقف واحدًا تلو الآخر إلى الشاحنة حتى تصبح السيارات الخمسة فارغة بشكل كامل، فيما يبقى قائد السيارة السادسة
The outgoing Genesis proved Hyundai was capable of producing a premium car of superior quality, complete with a plush interior, handsome looks and a relatively sporty driving demeanor, all for the sort of cut-rate price the brand built its reputation on. The first Genesis worked wonders for expanding Hyundai's allure, opening it up to all kinds of new car shoppers who previously wouldn't have given its other models a second glance.